Friday, February 1, 2008

Sign Up To Track All Of Your Emails Now For Free

Do you send emails on a regular basis and then wonder if they've been read? Well if you do, then now you can track your email messages for free and find out if they've been opened. You will also be able to know at what time it was opened, where it was opened, and how long it was viewed for. DID THEY READ IT? is a easy to use program; you will be ready to use it after only 2 steps.

If you're wondering whether your email provider will allow you to do this, the answer is "Yes!" Once you sign up for the free service all you have to do is add a tracking code that will be given to you to the emails you send and you will receive information on it right away. You should also know that the emails you send are invisibly tracked; meaning the receiver won't know that you are tracking what you are doing.

If you have any questions or want to know about how this works visit the FAQ's page. If you're ready to sign up for this one of a kind service then CLICK HERE NOW!.

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